How did it get so late so soon? It's night before it's afternoon. December is here before it's June. My goodness how the time has flewn. How did it get so late so soon? ~ Dr. Seuss
It’s that time of year again. Christmas is on the doorstep and the New Year is looming on the horizon. It’s the time of year when we all get caught up in the excesses of gift giving, food and beverage consumption and obligatory family, work and social gatherings.
I’m feeling very reflective this year. Where am I? Where have I come from? Where am I headed? And where do I want to be? I feel as though the last year has been dampened by my negative attitude. The year started with my undesired return to work which meant depositing Lil’ Edges in day care. Instead of making the best of a bad situation, I got stuck in a narrative of negativity. Anything good that happened was quickly drowned out.
If life seems jolly rotten,
There's something you've forgotten!
And that's to laugh and smile and dance and sing,
When you're feeling in the dumps,
Don't be silly chumps,
Just purse your lips and whistle -- that's the thing!
~ Monty Python
And there was plenty of good that happened. I ran the Mother’s Day Classic, an 8km fun run to raise money for charity. A monumental achievement considering that I was only relatively new to running and have never really been that interested in physical activity before. Now I can’t imagine not exercising on a daily basis.
After a little encouragement from a friend and without any real planning, I did NaNoWriMo and completed it. Fifty thousand words in 30 days (give or take a couple of hours). The book is currently needing some editing and possibly some illustrations but the foundation is there and it won’t take all that much to whip it into some kind of readable state.
I’m writing this blog from the merry old land of England. Yes, the Edges clan made the journey to the UK to visit Mr Edges family. I’ve met my in-laws for the very first time. Travelled overseas for the first time (technically 2nd time, but I was kid and barely remember it). It’s exciting stuff. I still can’t really believe it.
So, where to from here? I want to lose the negative attitude. Glass half full, not half empty. Bad shit is going to happen, there’s nothing I can do about that, but I don’t have to dwell on it or let it get the better of me.
Life is not meant to be easy, my child; but take courage it can be delightful. ~ George Bernard Shaw
I want to have more energy and to wake up feeling refreshed. I’m tired of being tired, of everything feeling like both a physical and emotional effort. Is this a state of mind? I don’t know. It might be. At any rate I want to blog more, run more, write more, think more, do more, see more, learn more, read more, enjoy more, laugh more, love more and live more. I want to be motivated and interested. I want to be engaged and engaging.
All that being said, here’s what I hope to achieve in 2013: (though I reserve the right to change these if and as I see fit ;-p)
You don’t need endless time and perfect conditions. Do it now. Do it today. Do it for twenty minutes and watch your heart start beating. ~ Barbara Sher
What are you hoping to achieve in 2013?